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21 November 2017 13:00-18:00STUDIO Malmö

Diverse teams create more value. Here's how we'll get there.

As the Nordic tech scene continues to grow, gender diversity in the field is at a standstill. We need more female investors, and we need more women to realise that they, indeed, have the power and potential to become investors themselves.

Nordic Female Investor Meeting brings together some of the most prominent voices on how to increase the number of female investors. From academics to business angels, our speakers have done everything from proven gender bias in venture capital, to founding venture capital firms themselves.

Brought to you by Minc supported by Almi Invest, EY and Connect.

All you need to know

Here goes a text with all practical details that you attendees needs to know, like how to find their way to the venue, what to bring etc.

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Gender and access to finance - the role of communication

With Jeaneth Johansson, whose research was recently covered in Harvard Business Review for having proven gender bias in venture capital.

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Leveraging the power of diversity

With Larissa Best, the business angel researching gender complementarity.

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The rise of the impact economy and values-based investing: niche no more

With Hedda Pahlson-Moller, the impact investor who'll share with us her journey from the last 7 years in the Impact Economy.

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Panel discussion: realising the power of diversity

Hedda Pahlson-Moller, Larissa Best and Jeaneth Johansson discuss the lack of gender diversity in the VC field, and how to change it.

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Coffee break


VC firms - what's their role, and how can they change the scene?

With Miriam Grut Norrby, the startup founder turned partner at VC firm Alfvén & Didrikson.

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Why are female business angels almost as rare as (real) unicorns?

With Anna Ljungbergh, business angel herself, who will offer her cents on why so few women are around.

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Do I need millions to become a business angel?

With Queen Invest, the VC firm set up by eight women who co-invest in order to lower the tickets size as well as the risk taken.

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Female entrepreneurs on the go - hear their stories

Four female entrepreneurs, from different sectors and with different backgrounds, all on the same mission - to build a global venture. Hear their stories, the obstacles they faced and how they all went about raising venture capital for their respective business.

  • Dorte X Gram, Pila Pharma
  • Lycke von Schatz, PåHoj
  • Rebecca Björnsdotter, Rebecca Björnsdotter
  • Gulnaz Khusainova, Easy Size
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Panel discussion: encouraging more women to choose the entrepreneurial route

Why are there fewer female growth entreprenuers? What could be done to change it? How can we attract more women to choose the entrepreneurial route? The entrepeneurs share their story.

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Wrap-up mingle

Wine and dine at EY.

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Lycke Von Schantz
Founder and CEO of Påhoj

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Dorte X. Gram
CEO of Pila Pharma

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Hedda Pahlson-Moller
Business Angel and Founder of Omsint/Tiime

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Larissa Best
Director of Equilibre and Partner at EQL Ventures

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Anna Ljungbergh
Business Angel

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Miriam Grut Norrby
Partner at Alfvén & Didriksson

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Rebecca Björnsdotter
Founder of Rebecca Björnsdotter AB

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Gulnaz Khusainova
Founder and CEO of EasySize

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Maddy Savage

Maddy Savage is a former BBC journalist turned Nordic tech specialist. She relocated to Sweden from her native Britain in 2014, and has since then made a name for herself on the Nordic tech scene. Among other things, she's moderated some of the region's largest and most prominent tech events, including Slush, STHLM Tech Fest and Stockholm Women in Tech Festival.